Announcements for Apr. 6, 2019

All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service today. All visitors are invited.

Nominating Committee meeting will meet Sun. evening, Apr. 7, at 6:30 p.m.  Please mark your calendar.

Baby Shower You are invited to the Kurtz baby shower April 14, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the Community room  Thanks to a large number of girl cousins in the family, the only need at this time is diapers of various sizes, and wipes.  Come and enjoy celebrating with Emily and Joel as they anticipate the arrival of their new baby girl.

God’s House Project The board has voted to raise money for a security, alarm and camera system to keep our church safe. The cost of the project is $10,000.  We already have $5,000 and would like your support to complete the project.   Mark your donation for God’s House.

Pettey Study Group will meet on Sabbath afternoon, April 20, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pettey home.  Bring the Great Controversy. For more information call 479-238-3307.

Storage Cleanup  We have gone through all the churches storage areas, and we have come up with some items we would like to eliminate.   Anyone that would like to look through the items can come this Sunday, Mar.31 and April 7 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Pathfinder building. Some of the items will be lumber, plumbing, electrical, fasteners, chairs, ceiling tiles, door knobs, small children’s half moon tables and many more misc. items.  We would appreciate a donation, but not required.  


Hospice Volunteers Needed If you would be interested in Hospice Volunteer work for just a few hours please call Denise Hanan at 479-220-0811.


QFN (Quilts For Needy) Ministry is in need of good used dark colored full or queen size bedsheets and light weight blankets. Quilt tops are pieced together using donated cotton clothes and fabric. Light weight blankets are used for the filler and the colored sheets for the backing. If you have any sheets or light weight blankets to donate, please bring them to the church office or call 479-228-0962 (leave a message).

Disk Golf Tournament  Sunday, Apr. 28, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. we will be holding our second annual disk golf tournament at Ozark Academy.  If there is anyone who would like to come and sell food at the event, we would love to have you!   There will be a $10 reservation fee which must be turned into the school office prior to the event.  For any questions please call Seth Clark at 913-449-5768.